Blogue FoodSaverMD
How to Preserve Meats
- 11/17/14
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Those looking for a convenient and cost-effective way to make their food last longer should consider preserving meats by storing them in the freezer with the assistance of a vacuum sealer.
How to Vacuum Seal Your Guacamole
- 11/14/14
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Your vacuum sealer is capable of preserving a variety of foods in your kitchen, from raw ingredients to homemade dishes that can last for weeks.
6 Foods You Can Vacuum Seal and Keep in Your Pantry
- 11/10/14
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Your vacuum sealer has already made freezing and storing meats and vegetables much easier, but did you know this appliance is just as useful for preserving dry foods?
How Long Can You Save Your Game?
- 11/07/14
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Hunting season is in full swing.
How to Quickly Marinate with a Vacuum Sealer
- 11/05/14
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Whether you're preparing a cut of your favorite red meat or you're starting a tantalizing vegetable dish, marinating is essential for crafting the tastiest meal possible.
10 Things You Didn't Know You Could Vacuum Seal
- 11/01/14
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Looking to make the most of your FoodSaver® Vacuum Sealer? Consider these 10 things you didn't realize you could vacuum seal.
The Science Behind Vacuum Sealing
- 10/27/14
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From storing off-season fruits to keeping your catch fresh, vacuum sealing is perfect for preserving your precious edibles.
Make Your Wine Last Longer With Your Vacuum Sealer
- 10/24/14
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If you're tired of using plastic wrap and old corks to save your wine, consider the benefits of vacuum sealing.
Top 3 Tips For Saving Money on Food
- 10/22/14
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There's no way to get around going to the grocery store.
How to Prevent Freezer Burn
- 10/22/14
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Freezer burn can transform your leftover cutlets from delectable meats to indestructible frozen heaps.
How to Sous Vide with a Vacuum Sealer
- 10/21/14
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For perfectly tender and juicy meats, few food preparation methods compare to sous vide.
Freezing Vegetables: What You Need to Know
- 10/20/14
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Freezing your vegetables is an excellent way to preserve them for future use.
The Couponer's Guide to Buying in Bulk
- 10/20/14
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Buying in bulk is one of the best ways to save time, money and patience in the long run.
3 Things to Know About Vacuum Sealing Your Catch
- 10/20/14
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Fishing can be one of the most relaxing and rewarding ways to pass your time.
The Best Way to Preserve Herbs and Spices
- 10/20/14
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Keeping your kitchen stocked with herbs and spices is key to creating tasty dishes.
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