4 Ways to Preserve Memories with Your Vacuum Sealer
- Tips and How To's
- 02/18/15
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While your vacuum sealer can revolutionize the way you keep food stored in your kitchen and pantry, the appliance has myriad uses outside the realm of food preparation. If you fancy yourself a crafty individual, your vacuum sealer can be an invaluable resource for many of your artistic endeavors.
Get out the glitter and the glue gun, because you're about to learn how you can artistically preserve your memories with your vacuum sealer.
1. Memory Jar
Want to keep track of your favorite moments from 2014? Pile trinkets from your most memorable times over the past 12 months in a glass jar. These can include photographs, movie tickets, written quotes and dried flowers. When you've compiled all your desired items, cover the jar's opening with your FoodSaver® Wide-Mouth Jar Sealer. Removing the air from the canister will prevent particles from ruining the integrity of your precious keepsakes.

Once the air is removed, decorate the exterior of your jar based on your own personal tastes. You can keep it simple by merely writing the year or event you're commemorating, or you can get specific by using a permanent marker to write specific moments or quotes from the year.
2. Sealing Scrapbook Supplies
Individual pages for your scrapbook may not seal well, but keeping extra supplies in tightly sealed plastic bags can keep them viable throughout the duration of your project. With paper-based products, review how to properly seal documents to ensure that your supplies don't get ruined.
"Keep a piece of thin paper between two photographs when storing for the long term."
3. Saving Old Photographs
If you've got a collection of photographs that don't fit in books and aren't currently being displayed, these should be stored in an airtight container to preserve their integrity for the long term, especially if you plan on using them at some point in the future. Similar to your paper-based supplies, you'll want to keep photographs kept between cardstock or cardboard to retain their shapes. If you're storing more than one photo together, you'll want to place a thin piece of paper between each shot to prevent photos from sticking together.
4. Preserve Fragile Artwork
Got some crafts made by your children, or fragile memory mementos that wouldn't seal well if put in a traditional plastic bag? Use a canister to keep these precious pieces safe. For tall or oddly shaped items, use sturdy round canisters.